How to Convince Your Friends to Kick It with You

As a 9Rounder, there’s no better feeling than the one you get after crushing your 9Round workout, so of course, you want your friends to experience it with you. Whether you’re asking for the first time or the tenth, we know it can be difficult to entice someone to step into a gym for the first time. That’s why we are breaking down a few simple ways you can increase the likelihood of your friends meeting you for your next sweat sesh.
Let Them Know They Can Try It for FREE
Because you work out at 9Round, you already know your friends will get a free introductory workout (and you’ll get referral credit!). People are more likely to try something new if they don’t have anything to lose, so you should reassure your friends that it doesn’t cost anything to tag along and give it a try. This simple fact might be enough to motivate your friends, because who doesn’t like free stuff?! But, if that’s not enough, read on…
Highlight the Benefits of 9Round
You know there are a ton of reasons to work out at 9Round, but maybe your friends don’t know what to expect. When extending invitations, make sure you tell your friends about why you chose 9Round over all the other gyms around. Here are a few of our favorite reasons…
- There are no class times, so they will always be on time no matter when they show up!
- The kickboxing-style workouts change daily! That means, not only will they feel like a bada$$ when they’re doing the workout, they’ll never get bored because the workouts are different every. single. day.
- It’s only 30-minutes, so there’s no huge time commitment to giving it a try. PLUS, when they’re hooked (because we know they will be), they won’t have to spend hours at the gym to get their exercise in for the day.
- Trainers are always included with every workout, so your friend can learn proper techniques for punching and kicking and have someone there to encourage them along the way.
Show Them How Well It Works
Have you achieved a personal health or fitness goal by working out at 9Round? Share your results with your friends and explain how 9Round helped you get there. If they have similar fitness goals, they’ll be intrigued to find out the details. More importantly, they’ll probably start to wonder if it might work for them too. Once you get them thinking about it, you should have a better chance at persuading them to work out with you because they’ll want to see if they can achieve their own goals with 9Round!
Hopefully, some of these tips can help you convince your friends to kick it with you at 9Round. It’s always more fun to punch it out with a sidekick, so even if you get turned down the first time you extend an invite, keep at it!